
Curriculum and Academic Operation Support

Under this arrangement any school owner can buy our curriculum which assures holistic growth of child and inculcate all the modern best learning practices. This curriculum is divided into different segments & is based on multiple intelligence enable principle.

Our curriculum helps the teachers in day to day teaching & lesson planning to assure holistic growth of child.

Our teaching methodology is a combination of the Montessori and Play way method which allows for learning through sensorial and creative activities keeping in mind the learning style, pace, development, and strengths of each child.

Through this curriculum children have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and understanding, providing progression which develops skills, concepts, positive attitudes, and values. Children are provided with the kind of experiences that will help them attain optimum development not only in their creative expression through play, but in self-control, self-discipline, and co-operation with others.

The monthly themes are structured and the multi-sensory Curriculum, in keeping with International standards, determines the teaching content. The Curriculum further determines the assessment process of every child and the reporting format that guides teachers/parents in setting goals.

Totpro Foster School Private Limited
About Us

Welcome to TOTPRO Play School Chain, an Initiative of Foster Kids, Which has been Nourishing Childhood for Over 12 Years Through its 300 Schools Over 17 States of the Country.

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